One day in late October, I received an exciting email from the lovely
Stephanie Howell, asking if I'd like to create some Chanukah projects using My Mind's Eye products. Uh, yes please. Well, just opening that box of goodies was an experience on its own. Then I got to work and had a thrilling, and productive, time, creating and creating and creating.
Today it is all up and running on
MME's blog, but I'll post it all here as well.
I do not usually work with a whole line of products. I just usually have bits and pieces from many different companies. Here I worked with MME's Cut and Paste, as well as Lost and Found-Record It.
I was
pretty shameless about mixing the two lines together; I couldn’t get enough of
the grays, and vintage elements in Lost and Found, and then I liberally added pieces
from the Cut & Paste collection for pops of holiday color and cheer.
night of Chanukah we light the candles together, and sing the blessings and the
prayers. In my layouts, I like to capture the event, but I also liked to add a
little detail that captures a little something about us as a family. So, I felt
it important to record for posterity, that we are not very good singers-
especially by day 8 of Chanukah, when the novelty has long worn off.
food is pretty dang tasty, and while latkes get all the press, jelly doughnuts
are a family favorite. We are lucky to live a block from a kosher bakery that
sells fresh doughnuts each day of the holiday, and we are usually there first
thing in the morning to buy our daily dose.
there are so many traditions that happen every year, I decided to make a mini
album as a home for this year’s photos. And just because it’s Chanukah, I made
eight topics for my album; Thanksgivukkah, candles, singing, gifts, latkes,
doughnuts, chagigah (a party), and a Chanukah story. I tore right into
the Lost and Found 6x6 paper pad for the base of the pages, and layered on
elements from both collections. I am not an avid mini album maker, but this
process was so quick and easy- everything just looked great together right
away. All of my pages were ready before
Chanukah even started, and as soon as the holiday is over, I can pick out my
favorite photos and pop them right in.

here’s something you might not know about lighting menorah. It can be a messy
ordeal. There are menorahs, matches, and candles. At our home, we also light an
oil menorah, so we have a bottle of olive oil and wicks that we use each night.
So, this year, after many years of good intentions, I decided to make all this
“stuff” look prettier.
First I
created a decorative bottle for the olive oil:
Then a
tin for all those little tiny wicks:
that tin, fits a cute, matching match box.
Or the
matches can be left out for this adorable, little tableau.
And just
because I was having fun, I made another matchbox too:
If nothing else, this year is definitely shaping up to be the prettiest Deutsch Chanukah ever, thanks to My Mind's Eye!