My Scrapbook Resume

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Crafty projects Very big and pretty small

Sigh. My two week vacation is coming to a close. This is my last day, before going back to the hustle and bustle of working outside the home, coming home tired, and mustering enough energy (and coffee) to be present for homework, dinner, cleaning, and general being together with family. But, it was a productive vacation, and I am happy for that.

First, I spent time with my sister and my brother and their families, something which I am not great at making time for-I get so wrapped up in my work and my home and my projects. So, here's to hoping that continues.

And now on to my home and my projects:

After eight years, I painted (most) of my apartment! Here are some WAY "before" pictures ( I found some from 2008. It was fun looking back at old pictures. But we'll have to save that for another post or project).

And then it looked like this: (Yes, there is a child wrapped in a drop cloth. We talked a lot about not putting it on his head. But, he's almost 10, so this was not really  big news for him.)

Now it looks like this: (There's been a lot of lying around on the couch this week.)

I'm not quite done decorating yet, but I am enjoying the new canvas that I have to work with.

Part of the decision to finally go ahead and paint, was my desire to change up the pillows and artwork, but I just didn't feel like adding new stuff to the old walls. I was just done with them. Here are some things I plan to add to these newly beiged walls. (I made it all by myself!)

And maybe this one, but I love it less. We'll call that one a work in progress.

And, I've been working on my One Little Word album, making my first page for my first assignment. 

We were also supposed to take a self portrait, and since my word is "camera," I decided I was not, not, not going to take this picture on automatic. It took a few dozen tries, but I ended up with this:

It takes a lot for me to say, I don't think it sucks. I also included the words that gave me my word, "train your camera," written by Elizabeth Dillow. 

I didn't even get to share about repainting and decorating my bathroom, which I did as well. But, I think that's enough for now. Whew. I'm off to enjoy another relaxed cup of coffee (or two) in my new living room. (And, by the way, I like the way my mugs match my walls. I actually think of things like that when i drink my coffee.)


  1. Looking great! I love your picture! I don't pick a word for myself but I will enjoy following yours :)

  2. Aliza, that most definitely does not suck. That is a picture that generations of your descendents will hold very near and dear : )
