This summer, I finally came up with a plan to blog somewhat regularly. At least more regularly than once a month. At the beginning of the month, I think up a list of topics and projects to share, and assign them to specific days on a calendar. The best part is, if I don't follow my calendar, it doesn't really matter all that much.
One item in particular has been on my list for some time now. In June, I went by myself (crazy!) to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, and I had a grand ole' time. Everything was pretty, and I could take as long as I wanted to take lots of photos, because I went by myself (!).
I loved my photos from that solitary excursion. and I made myself a little mini album because I loved them so, and I wanted to see some of them in print. It was in the making of this album, that I discovered how to make mini albums that I really like. The key being, to add as little as possible. When I start to add more to my mini albums, they start to feel haphazard to me. Keeping it simple, helps the design feel more cohesive. At least to me.

The reason I finally shared this album now, is that I recently went to the Botanical Gardens in the Bronx, this time just with Dave, (crazy!) and again I ended up with lots of photos that I love. The moral of the story is, going places without children, frees you up to take a lot of photos. The only down side is, that they are not photos of my children. But, lovely photos, nonetheless: