It’s no secret that I love to declutter. Get rid of stuff. Make empty space. Clean and Organize. I usually get to the kids’ stuff around Chanukah time, to make room for the new loot. This year, the kids were excited to help me out. It was their Chanukah vacation (one day), and this is how they spent it.
Anyway, Sam got to keep some of what he wanted, and some was thrown away anyway. I think we gave away more this year than usual, because it seems we have really moved to a whole new stage of life. 24 piece puzzles are not interesting to anyone in this family. Nobody needs the junior version of Scrabble, Mancala, Rummikub. No more games to help you learn to read. No more mini skateboard. We are past all that. We are entirely in the world of middle childhood. That is reflection #1.